I applied for Convict's and Savages- the AU-NZ corp that is part of... Shadow Cartel. Yeps. I'm possibly gonna be in SC. But I've decided I wanna explore somewhere other than Molden Heath (o.O shock HORROR!), that decision inspired by the null roams. But yeah. I know some of the guys in the corp- they're good guys I know from R1FTA days, and I can't say I've ever met an Aussie or NZ in EVE that I haven't got along with. So... yeah. That. Hehe. I still have to work on my skills yeah, and upship some more, but Mitch (CEO/recruiter of the corp) and Ohm's both reckon I can do it no problem. :) It's nice to have some extra belief. And, as much as I love all my American friends, there's something about a comms channel full of Aussies playing EVE. Lots of awesome fun ^.^ We'll see what happens.
Now, to my point. It probably needs some explaining first. Just briefly, Camp America is where young peeps like me work for ~9 weeks in a summer camp in America. The process is quite simple, its an application online, then you get offered jobs from the actual camp directors or recruiters, whatever they are.
On Saturday, here in Melbourne, there is a RECRUITMENT FAIR. About 15-20 different camps are attending with their camp directors. I already looked at the list and know what camps I wanna check out first. But.. my predicament.... what do you say!?? I'm a combination of nervous and excited. This video here, while not for where I am, is a taste of what's coming, and its terrifying! It gets me super excited though. The song, the young peeps, the excitement, the adventure... :)
I know the key is to be myself, to relax, be upfront and honest, and just to take it as it comes. I have an advantage over others in that because of my skills (which are apparently always in high demand), I get a V.I.P pass, that gets me in to talk to them 1 hour before the general publics are allowed in. Very cool ^.^ First come, first serve kinda thing. So there's something in my advantage. :)
This will quite possibly be the biggest thing I have ever done in my life. Going overseas, living in a camp, 24/7 with up to 400 kids for 9 weeks, working, earning money and making friends, before (HOPEFULLY) traveling around America BY MYSELF! (Well, with some help, and the possibility of camp friends.. but yeah). WHAT AM I DOING!??? Diz in particular thinks I'm crazy :P I can't decide whether I agree with him completely, or only agree with him slightly. Either way, maybe I am crazy.
But I look at it this way, what better way to go to someone in the future, with a job or opportunity you want, and say.. 'hey, look what I did in 2014'. Also... it looks like so much fun!!!! I found the videos that were shown at the Information Night we went to- the vids responsible for me and my mum looking at it and thinking 'YES!'
Here's one:
And the other:
How much cooler can it get!!! XD Hahaha. I don't know about you, but this looks like fun! Yes its only two camps, but I'm sure its how all of them are going to be. ^.^
I have a couple of camps I really like the look of, a YMCA camp in Michigan, or my number one preference is called Camp Chipinaw, about 2 hours north of NYC in a place called Swan Lake :P They have both horses and photography (two of my skills) ^.^ Fingers crossed!! Oh, and for those curious :P http://www.chipinaw.com. But I don't know. We'll see what happens. :) See what impression I can make at this job fair.
I AM OFFICIALLY NERVOCITED PEOPLE!!!! :D So great! Wish me luck!!! :D
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